Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature... and make disciples of all nations.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature... and make disciples of all nations.
Scott and Nancy Hinkle
Three words help define direction for the life of a Christ follower—purpose, mission and assignments.
The faith of a Christ follower is proactive, lived out every day serving, blessing, reaching others. Let’s do it together.
In 1981 , Nancy and I were moving from Los Angeles to Dallas. I felt the Lord prompt me while driving a U Haul truck across the barren land of West Texas to take a team to witness at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Lightning can strike in the same place twice and so can the Holy Ghost but this time for 43 consecutive years. From the very beginning starting with a team of 9 and a borrowed van continuing to today where we had a specially prepared team of 105 of men and women .
Each of these 43 outreaches have been marked by Jesus changing lives !
This Precision Strike team was not only "armed with the power of the Holy Spirit " but dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.
Spending 8-10 hours per day for three days they constantly engaged in divine appointments on the streets where hundreds of thousands came to get drunk , party, crazy, naked ,weird, perverse or insane.
I do not believe any of the revelers came with Jesus, church or Christianity on their minds. So many had an encounter with Him .
The power of prayer combined with soulwinning action resulted in this anointed team individually praying on the streets with 1482 people for every need imaginable including salvation, healing, recommitment and much more.
This outreach gives us the opportunity to touch the world as many of the”partiers” come from across America and around the world.
Our team came from different parts of our nation and included students from Christ For The Nations Institute and Charis Bible College as well as different churches and ministries. They were ignited with a greater passion to reach others who don’t know Christ.
Beyond that, an outdoor Praise/Prayer Rally held in the midst of it all on the riverfront saw nearly 1500 people crying out to God for the city.
Yes, it happened again! “ Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit , Says the Lord of Hosts.” ( Zech. 4:6)
Here is a question. If God can move and lives be touched in such an ungodly atmosphere why can’t there be an impact and harvest in any town, community or city in America ?
I believe Isaiah issues a charge to us…
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises on you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light,and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:1-3 NIV)
We continue to fight for the future of America by preaching the gospel that changes life today.
Scott and Nancy have worked whole-heartedly in evangelism and urban outreach since their conversion in the early '70's. As "missionaries to America", their heart is to reach the lost, minister to the hurting and to mobilize churches to reach out to their own communities. Their commitment to the Lord and their desire to do His will is readily evident to all who meet them. They have been a great asset to our local church.
At a time when most American Christians have lost the priority of evangelism, God has raised up Scott Hinkle to reorder our priorities. I pray the church will listen to his message and reclaim our mission to share Christ’s love.
I thank God for Scott Hinkle, who has never forgotten his initial mandate and call. He is burdened not only with reaching the lost himself but also training a new, emerging generation of evangelists to go forth and be tangible expressions of Christ to the nations.
Be a prayer partner praying regularly for the outreaches, ministry, Scott and Nancy and their team.
Come participate and serve in an outreach (ie Mardi Gras New Orleans). You may come yourself or even bring a group. Contact us for more information shom2@aol.com. These events are posted on Facebook and Twitter,too.
Host an Increase The Reach event in your church.
Become a monthly donor partnering with SHOM in spreading the Gospel.
With over four decades partnering together with churches worldwide for community evangelism, SHOM has developed an initiative to help any church reach more people with the gospel.
What is an initiative? -- “A plan or program that is intended to help solve a problem.” Merriam Webster Dictionary
AN INCREASE THE REACH weekend is flexible in structure and presents a positive and proven practical approach to effectively address bringing the gospel to a community in urban, suburban or rural settings. Attention is primarily focused upon two areas.
A Sunday service of ministry imparting a heart for reaching others is a vital part of the INCREASE THE REACH INITIATIVE.
If you are interested in more detailed information or to schedule INCREASE THE REACH in your church please contact our office at shom2@aol.com or 214-212-0409.